San Gabriel Hilton Wedding Video | Raymond & Tiffany - SDE

San Gabriel Hilton Wedding Video | Raymond & Tiffany - SDE

San Gabriel Hilton Wedding Video | Raymond & Tiffany - Highlights

San Marino, California is where the the Prince Weddings crew started the day. The crew split up, Prince Weddings videographer Timmy Wildgoose with assistant Julie filmed Raymond's preparations while Prince Weddings owner/operator Nathan Prince and with assistance from Thamer Bajjali filmed the bride's preparations. Timmy and Julie made their way back to the brides family's house for the first tea ceremony. Then we all made our way to Raymond's family's house for the second tea ceremony. After we departed for the western wedding ceremony and reception at he San Gabriel Hilton the crew ( now adding Even Rosenberg and Michael Burdge) continued documenting the sights and sounds while Prince Weddings editor Thamer Bajjali began working on this same day edit.

Prep done in San Marino, CA 91108

Tea Ceremony in San Marino CA 91108

Ceremony and Reception at the Hilton- San Gabriel 225 W.Valley Blvd. San Gabriel , Ca 91776